NO BLOG :) I know it's been a while...but I'm still here, promise!
I am officially 7 months pregnant, and have just entered into my 3rd trimester! Wow...where has the time gone? Tomorrow we go to the dr. for our glucose test! Hopefully and prayerfully I'll pass with flying colors...if not, we'll cross that bridge when it comes! I know Palmer and I are in God's hands, none of this would even be possible without HIM! Also, Wednesday, we go back to the high-risk dr. for another echocardiogram of Palmer's heart! I'm hoping to, once again, get the all clear! We have been talking about doing the 3-D ultrasound soon....if any of you have any thoughts on 3-D, I'll gladly listen!
Here is a pic of Palmer's walls.....some have asked to see the stripes. The colors in this pics are AWFUL! I guess it's the lighting in the room?! Hopefully once his room is all finished I can open the windows and get lots of light to see the "true" color! BTW...this is part of his crib in the room. We are still waiting on the other furniture, but my parents were sweet to buy this for Palmer (and us) for Christmas! We couldn't wait to put it together to see how precious it was!

I'll update more tomorrow after our dr. appt.....
Love, Love!