Well, Today was the big day! I'm so happy to be able to share the news that all is well with little Palmer. Dr. Thorp said he looks perfect, and as of now, there is nothing to be worried about! Oh, I feel so blessed! We will go back to see Dr. Thorp in 7 weeks, to be sure everything is still normal and great! I have to say, on a side note, Mac has been a real trooper this past week (and the whole pregnancy) to put up with my stressed out, emotional self :) Pregnancy sure is fun! Thanks to everyone for their continued prayers for my pregnancy, little Palmer, and Mac and I!
Now, on to Thanksgiving. On a few other blogs I read (stalk), people have listed things they are Thankful for....I've decided to be a copy-cat and do the same!
1. My wonderful husband
2. My amazing family
3. My friends who always put up with me
4. My job (In this scary world I have a job, and I feel so blessed.)
5. This amazing little boy in my belly! I love him already, and have yet to officially meet him.
6. Our home
7. Our Health
8. My little Bentley boy
9. The lovely person who hit my car
10. All of the turkey I'm going to eat tomorrow! Yiipeeee
I hope everyone of you has a wonderful day tomorrow, with family and friends. Jenn, I know it won't be the same without your family, but think how much fun it'll be in 3 weeks when you're HERE!! :) Also, I MUST give a special Yiipeeee to my favorite Elizabeth Claire.....
CONGRATS to you and Adam!! I'm soo excited and happy for the both of you! Can't wait to see ya'll!